The Power Mix

“The Power Mix” embodies a dynamic fusion of diverse talents and energies, coming together to create something truly extraordinary. This team name signifies a blend of strengths, ideas, and perspectives, each contributing a unique element to the collective force. Just like a powerful mix of ingredients can create a masterpiece, “The Power Mix” represents the…

Thorpe-do’s (Ian Thorpe reference)

Meet the “Thorpe-do’s,” a name that strikes fear into the hearts of competitors while paying homage to the legendary Australian swimmer, Ian Thorpe. Known for his powerful strokes and unmatched speed in the water, Ian Thorpe earned the nickname “Thorpedo.” Our team embraces this legacy, channeling the same relentless drive, precision, and excellence that made…


The name “Tritons” evokes the powerful and mythical essence of ancient sea gods, blending strength and mystery into one formidable identity. Tritons, often depicted as mermen with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish, symbolize mastery over the ocean’s depths and the ability to navigate through turbulent waters with grace…


The name “Vixens” conjures an image of fierce elegance and cunning agility. Derived from the term for a female fox, it encapsulates a spirit of sharp intelligence and unyielding determination. A team called the Vixens embodies a perfect blend of grace and tenacity, ready to outwit and outmaneuver any challenge that comes their way. Just…