Brews And Clues

“Brews And Clues” is a team name that perfectly captures the essence of combining two of life’s greatest pleasures – a good drink and a challenging mystery. This team is all about enjoying a cold brew while working together to solve riddles, puzzles, and clues. With their sharp minds and taste for adventure, Brews And…


Escapegoats is a clever and quirky team name that encapsulates the idea of a group of individuals who excel at finding solutions and navigating challenges. The name plays on the concept of escape rooms, where participants work together to solve puzzles and escape within a set time limit. The addition of “goats” adds a playful…

Flying The Coop

Flying The Coop is a team name that symbolizes breaking free from limitations and taking flight towards new opportunities. Just like a bird leaving its coop to explore the vast skies, this team is ready to spread their wings and soar to success. With a sense of adventure and a fearless spirit, Flying The Coop…

Great Minds Drink Alike

Great Minds Drink Alike is a team name that embodies the idea of like-minded individuals coming together over a drink to share ideas, brainstorm, and collaborate. This team values the power of collective intelligence and believes that great minds think alike, especially when fueled by a good beverage. Whether it’s over a cup of coffee…

Jabba The Hunt

“Jabba The Hunt” is a team name that embodies strength, strategy, and cunning. Inspired by the infamous Star Wars character Jabba the Hutt, this team is known for their relentless pursuit of victory. With a focus on outsmarting their opponents and working together seamlessly, Jabba The Hunt is a force to be reckoned with on…

Jonesing For Treasure

Jonesing For Treasure is a team name that embodies the thrill of adventure and the excitement of uncovering hidden gems. The word “Jonesing” suggests a strong craving or desire, while “treasure” hints at valuable and precious discoveries waiting to be found. This team is all about seeking out new experiences, taking risks, and hunting for…

Logical Lushes

The team name “Logical Lushes” combines the idea of being both intelligent and fun-loving. It suggests a group of individuals who enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions while also knowing how to let loose and have a good time. This team is all about striking a balance between using their brains and enjoying life to the…

Lost Keys

The team name “Lost Keys” symbolizes the idea of unity and collaboration, as keys are often associated with unlocking new opportunities and overcoming obstacles. Just like a lost key can be found with the help of others, this team works together to navigate challenges and achieve success. They believe that by working together and supporting…

Mental Detectors

The team name “Mental Detectors” symbolizes a group of individuals who possess keen insight and intuition, able to detect and understand the complexities of the human mind. With a focus on mental health and well-being, this team is dedicated to uncovering and addressing the hidden truths and emotions within themselves and others. Through empathy, compassion,…

Merlot And Mystery

“Merlot And Mystery” is a team name that embodies the perfect blend of sophistication and intrigue. Just like a fine wine, this team is full-bodied and complex, with a hint of mystery that keeps their opponents guessing. Whether they’re solving puzzles or strategizing their next move, Merlot And Mystery always brings a touch of elegance…

Mystery Machine

The team name “Mystery Machine” evokes a sense of intrigue, adventure, and camaraderie. Just like the iconic van from the Scooby-Doo series, this team is all about solving puzzles, unraveling secrets, and working together to uncover the truth. With a passion for mystery and a knack for problem-solving, the members of Mystery Machine are a…

Netflix And Skill

“Netflix And Skill” is a clever team name that combines the popular streaming platform with a play on the phrase “Netflix and chill.” This team is all about honing their skills and expertise in whatever task or challenge they face, just like how one might binge-watch their favorite shows on Netflix. With a focus on…

One-Eyed Willies

The team name “One-Eyed Willies” is a playful and adventurous choice, inspired by the infamous pirate One-Eyed Willy from the classic movie “The Goonies.” Just like Willy and his band of misfit adventurers, this team embodies a spirit of daring and camaraderie as they navigate challenges and seek treasure together. With only one eye to…

Pint-Sized Detectives

The team name “Pint-Sized Detectives” embodies a group of small but mighty individuals with keen investigative skills. Just like their name suggests, these pint-sized sleuths are experts at solving mysteries and cracking cases, using their intelligence and intuition to unravel even the most complex puzzles. With a fearless attitude and a knack for thinking outside…

Ransack Rookies

Ransack Rookies is a team name that embodies the spirit of eager newcomers ready to shake things up and make their mark. The word “ransack” suggests a thorough search or examination, while “rookies” indicates a fresh and inexperienced perspective. Together, Ransack Rookies symbolize a group of individuals who are unafraid to dive headfirst into new…

The Finding Fathers

The Finding Fathers is a team name that embodies the spirit of discovery, unity, and leadership. Just like the founding fathers of a nation, this team is dedicated to uncovering new opportunities, solving challenges, and paving the way for success. With a shared vision and a commitment to working together, The Finding Fathers are a…

The Goonies

The Goonies is a spirited and adventurous team name that embodies the camaraderie and determination of a group of friends on a quest for treasure. Inspired by the iconic 1985 film, The Goonies symbolize a tight-knit group of individuals who are fearless, resourceful, and always ready to face challenges head-on. With a never-say-die attitude and…

The Wet Bandits

“The Wet Bandits” is a team name that evokes a sense of mischief and playful cunning. Drawing inspiration from the infamous duo in the classic holiday film “Home Alone,” this name suggests a group that’s not afraid to get their hands dirty—or wet—in the pursuit of their goals. Whether they’re tackling challenges, engaging in spirited…