Team Abacus

Team Abacus is a group of innovative thinkers and problem solvers who approach challenges with a calculated and strategic mindset. Just like the ancient counting tool, our team members work together seamlessly to add up ideas, analyze data, and find solutions that are both precise and efficient. With Team Abacus on your side, you can…

The Integers

The Integers is a powerful and cohesive team name that represents unity and strength in numbers. Just like the integers in mathematics, this team is made up of individuals who come together to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. With a focus on collaboration and synergy, The Integers are…


Thinkasaurus is a team name that embodies the essence of creativity, intelligence, and innovation. Just like the mighty dinosaur, this team is strong, resilient, and always evolving. They are known for their ability to think outside the box, solve complex problems, and come up with groundbreaking ideas. With their sharp minds and strategic thinking, Thinkasaurus…

Three Dimensions

The team name “Three Dimensions” represents the diverse and multi-faceted nature of our group. Just like the three dimensions of space, our team members bring a unique perspective and skill set to the table, creating a dynamic and well-rounded approach to problem-solving. Together, we strive to think outside the box and explore all angles to…


The team name “Trapezoids” symbolizes strength, unity, and balance. Just like the geometric shape, this team is made up of individuals with unique talents and skills that come together to form a powerful and cohesive unit. They are versatile and adaptable, able to tackle any challenge with precision and grace. The Trapezoids are a force…

Varsity Math

Varsity Math is a team name that embodies the spirit of excellence and precision in mathematical pursuits. This name signifies a group of individuals who are dedicated to mastering the complexities of numbers and equations, competing at the highest level of mathematical challenges. With a focus on teamwork, strategy, and problem-solving, Varsity Math represents a…